Apocalypse Rising Roblox Wiki

Kin Reimagined is the upcoming Apocalypse Rising map. It consists of three major cities, Kin, Hark, and Vernal, alongside of 5 smaller towns, Olke, Yale, Mason, Dirk, and Korri. The Kin Reimagined map features many different 


Kin Reimagined Map

unique areas, including a Prison, Castle Ruins, Factory, Radio Station, Mansion, Mineshaft, Factory, Bunker, Trinity HQ, Trailor Park (Pitts Park), Cemetary, and a refugee camp.

Major Cities


Kin is the largest city in the game, it is 5 times larger than Amend at the old Amend map. Kin features a center square, with a statue of Gusmanak


Gus is painting the helicopter (Right), and Keth is piloting it (Left).

and ZolarKeth constructing a helicopter, "Keth makes things work and I make them look pretty" -Gusmanak. The center square, or, Union Square, is surrounded by sets of 4-5 story buildings, most with roof access.


Hark is the smallest of the three major cities, with only two special places, a shop and firehouse. Hark is in the northwest corner of the map, surrounded by Bump Flatts and just north of Gusmanak's Mansion.


Vernal is the most compressed city, with four special areas, a shop, police station, hospital, and church. It's very close to the Prison, and just north of Mason.

Unique Areas


The Factory is a large building in the southeast corner of the map. Inside are conveyor belts, along with a walkway


above the main floor. The factory also has access to a smokestack, in which you can climb to wait for your victims to walk around below.

Radio Station 


The Radio Station is a large building East of Kin. Inside are many rooms where a lot of loot spawns. The Radio Station also has access to a large Radio Tower, where I expect bandits to be scouting out for helpless spawns below.

Castle Ruins 

The Castle Ruins is a large castle on the southern portion of the map. There is 


a walkway up to the top along with walls surrounding it, with trusses to the top of the walls. The Ruins have many holes in the walls, making it a bad place to try to defend. 


In the Amend map we got Gusmanak's Secret House, hidden north of Strive. In the Kin Reimagined map, we get 


Gusmanak's mansion. A giant, orange and green structure, south of Hark. The mansion itself includes many different rooms, including military and civilian grade loot. Outside of the mansion is a little station for Gusmanak, and a special shed dedicated to Hippaforalkus (With a window in the shape of an H.)


The mineshaft is an underground area on the southwestern portion of the map, built into a hill. Inside the mineshaft


are many rooms, each with different loot spawners. There are a lot of tunnels branching out of different rooms, a great place for bandits to hang out and trap helpless citizens using the Entrencher tool.


The prison is a large set of buildings north of the radio tower. The prison is surrounded by a large wall with many 


enterablebuildings on it, along with  one large building in the center.



The cemetery is another large unique structure located north of the prison.  The cemetery is mainly one large church with a tall tower behind it, surrounded by graves and a wall. It's a very small place that would be easy to defend.


Trinity HQ

Trinity HQ is a large building in the southwest portion of the map, dedicated to the company Trinity. It consists of multiple rooms, but it's located in a great place, making it easy to defend.

Refugee Camp


The refugee camp is a large camp in the north-east corner of the map. It consists of three different types of tents - Civilian (Tan), Military (Green), and Medic (Green with a Red Cross). Due to the many different spawners, it's a good place to go if you first spawned and you're in the northern area.


The bunker is an underground area located in one of the hills surrounding Kin. It's purpose was to protect the survivors from the infection, and now it's just a place to go for some great loot. The bunker features many rooms, some of which may have a bandit or two just waiting for you to come to your death.

Pitts Park 

Pitts Park is a trailer park located north-west of Kin. It features many different enterable buildings, each with plenty of different spawners. 
